Booking Open
Don’t miss out!
Dance is again one of the last exams, and losing contact time with your cohort during this important period can have an impact on results. Countdown 30 is designed to keep your students focused on their Dance revision when you need them to revise the most.
This programme gives them around 30 minutes of practice each day for 30 days leading up to the exam. This keeps their revision ticking over so that all of that knowledge stays fresh. Each question has tips and hints for them to use when answering, as well as exemplar answers. Just £1.50 per day for all of the students in your cohort. Because the exam is immediately after the half term break, this year’s Countdown 30 will finish on the Friday before the half term. Allowing teachers to track student’s progress.
A popular annual event. Students from all over the world sit together (remotely) for a quick revision session, with tips and tricks for sitting the paper later that day.