Simply Done!

A series of documents to help with choreography and performance.

They are what they say, simple explanations of what is required.


  1. Elements of dance
  2. Motif writing
  3. Choreography
  4. Performance Skills
  5. Writing about your own performance
  6. Writing about your own choreography

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A document displaying all the Elements of Dance required for GCSE Dance. For performance and choreography. It is a visual document with mind maps. It shows the difference between the classroom and the studio.

Motifs are an integral part of choreography for GCSE. It is also the main part of Section A on the exam paper. And in Section B, they are asked to write about their own work. This continues on from Simply Done 1. 

Choreography for GCSE is integral to both practical and written aspects of the course. It could come up in all sections of the paper. Students are required to understand the approach to, the processes and principles of choreography.

It is all about the performance skills you need to know.

  • Technical
  • Expressive
  • Mental
  • Physical

You need to know all skills, plus their definitions and on top of that exercises to help improve them over time.

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